September 18, 2024

About Italy

Italy, a country in the center of southern Europe, is located in an isolated land that plunges into the Mediterranean Sea. Italy includes some of the most diverse and beautiful landscapes on the planet and is often described as the country of shoes. Above its broad summit rise the Alps, which are among the most rugged mountains in the world. The highest point in Italy is Monte Rosa, which ends in Switzerland, and Mont Blanc, which ends in France.

The Western Alps look out over alpine lakes and glacier-carved valleys down to the Po River in Piedmont. Tuscany, in the south of the Cisalpine region, is perhaps the most famous region in the country. From the Central Alps, running the length of the country, makes the high chain of the Apennines shine, which expands near Rome to cover almost the width of the Italian land

South of Rome, the narrow Apennines are surrounded by two broad coastal plains, one facing the Tyrrhenian Sea and the other facing the Adriatic Sea. Most of the area of ​​the Lower Apennines is almost forest, home to a variety of species rarely seen elsewhere in Western Europe, such as wildebeests, wolves, asps and bears .

The southern Apennines are also tectonically unstable, with several active volcanoes, including Vesuvius, which occasionally spews ash and steam into the air over Naples and its island estuaries. In the country, in the Mediterranean Sea, are the islands of Sicily and Sardinia.

Italy’s political landscape has exacerbated this situation. With few direct routes between them and difficult cultural routes to cross, Italian cities have a history of complacency, independence and distrust.

Today, visitors discover how one country differs from another, about the great differences in cuisine and dialect, and about the many subtle differences that make Italy seem less like a country and more like a collection of cultures. associated with him in an incredibly pleasant situation.

History of Italy

Italy’s location on the Mediterranean Sea was linked to the trade routes of ancient civilizations that developed in the area. When the Roman Empire came to power, the lands of Italy became the center of a great empire that lasted for centuries. (Learn more about ancient Rome.)

The first Italian cities appeared in 1200 BC. Around 800 BC. The Greeks settled in the south, and the Etruscans appeared in central Italy. In the sixth century BC. BC, the Etruscans had created a state called Etruria. Meanwhile, the Latins and the Sabines south of Etruria joined forces and established a strong city called Rome.

The Etruscan kings ruled Rome for almost a century. But the Romans expelled the Etruscans in 510 BC. and began to conquer the entire peninsula. And they began to build an empire. At its height, in AD 117, the Roman Empire stretched from Portugal to Syria, from Britain to North Africa.

The first emperor of Rome, Octavian, took power in 27 BC. and took the name of Augustus Caesar. For more than 400 years, the empire flourished. But by the fourth century AD, it was in decline. In 395, the empire was split in two, and in 476, the northern German tribes overthrew the last emperor.

In the 12th century, Italian cities began to rise and become rich through trade. But Italy remained a place of close borders, some of which were controlled by foreign governments. From 1859, a rebellion drove out the foreigners and in 1861, the Kingdom of Italy was proclaimed.

In 1914, Italy supported Britain and the United States in World War I, but was poor when the war ended. Benito Mussolini and his Fascist political party came to power promising to restore the Roman Empire. He ruled as a dictator and entered World War II on the side of Germany and Japan. He was caught and killed.

Interesting facts about Italy

  • Italy is the fifth most visited country in the world, welcoming approximately 46 million foreign visitors each year. It is also the fifth most populous country in Europe. Many lyrics are written in Italian because the first writers of the Renaissance were Italian.
  • Three active volcanoes in Europe, Etna, Stromboli and Vesuvius, located in Italy. In the city of Turin, dog owners must walk their dogs at least three times a day or face fines. Weft. Famiglia is an important part of Italian culture. In fact, it is common for single children to stay at home until they are in their thirties. Italy is home to the oldest university in the world, the University of Bologna founded in 1088.
  • Don’t be surprised if your hotel in Italy doesn’t have a 17th floor. The Italians believe that this number is meaningless because when the Roman numeral 17 (XVII) is arranged, it looks like VIXI, which means “I live”, a symbol associated with death.
  • Rome is the capital of Italy and has been since 1871. Bari is the capital of the Puglia region.
  • In 1948, Roy Jacuzzi used a special water pump to create a hot tub to help his son with arthritis.

List of top attraction places to visit in Italy

Rome: the capital

I’ll start this guide on the best things to do in Italy with the capital city of Rome. The Eternal City attracts millions of tourists every year but, despite what you might think, it is not the most touristic city in the country. Both Florence and Venice attract visitors from abroad!


When you hear about Pisa, the first thing that may come to mind is the famous leaning tower, the symbol of the city. However, there are other things to see in the city, so you can easily spend a day in the city.

Lecce: the baroque city

Many are less known than the previous cities, although they are worth a visit during your trip to Italy. Lecce, located at the foot of the “Italian Ball” in the Puglia region, is a very beautiful baroque city. There are churches, museums and palaces everywhere, all sharing the same architectural style.

Florence: the city of art

Florence, said to be the most beautiful city in Tuscany, is home to many museums and Renaissance buildings. A rich cultural heritage: half of Italy’s works of art can be found in Florence. No wonder it is one of the most visited cities in Italy along with Venice!

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