September 18, 2024

About Bologna

Bologna, Latin Bononia, city, capital of the Emilia-Romagna region, in northern Italy, north of Florence, between Reno and Savena rivers. It lies in the foothills of the Apennines, on the ancient Via Aemilia, 180 ft (55 meters) above sea level. Originally Etruscan Felsina, the Boii Gauls occupied it in the fourth century BC and became a province and city of Rome (Bononia) c. 190 BC. It was placed in the Greek exarchate of Ravenna (6th century) and handed over to the papacy. The Visigoths, Huns, Goths and Lombards took it after the invasion of the other nations.

After the feudal period, Bologna became an independent city when the emperor recognized its authority in the beginning of the 12th century. the city by a series of signori (lords) – Pepoli, Visconti, Bentivoglio – before Pope Julius annexed it to the pontifical state. II in 1506. After that, he knew more than three hundred years of peace and prosperity. Only a short period of French rule ended the Papal rule (1797-1814) before the Austrians (1849-1860) captured Bologna and united it with the Kingdom of Italy in 1860. Occupied by the German army from September 1943 until the Allied forces recaptured it in 1945, it contained a large number of aerial bombs and weapons.

The streets in the center of the city, which were built in the ancient Roman city, still have a part of antiquity, that of the vertical towers Asinelli and Garisenda (about 91 meters and 46 meters n ‘one by one) know, that both. built in 1109-19). Among the many ancient palaces (palazzi), the most famous are the Palazzi Comunale (city hall), the Podestà, the Mercanzia (business office) and Re Enzio (where King Enzio, son of Emperor Frederick II, was imprisoned from 1249 until he was in. died in 1272). Palazzo Bevilacqua (1477-1482), with a beautiful interior garden, is one of the most beautiful in Bologna. In the seat of the archbishop, the city has many beautiful churches, including San Petronio (begun in 1390, which is not finished), where Pope Clement VII crowned Emperor Charles V (1530); San Francesco (1236–1263; restored after World War II damage); San Domenico, founded in 1221 to house the tomb of the saint; The Baroque Cathedral of San Pietro Metropolitana; and Santa Maria dei Servi.

San Stefano is the name given to a group of four Romanesque churches from the 11th to 13th centuries built on the ruins of a pagan temple that includes the original foundations. The university, one of the oldest and most famous in Europe, started in the 11th century, and gained its greatest reputation in the 12th-13th centuries. At first there was no fixed place; Conferences were usually held in the great hall of the convent until the Archginnasio Palace was built under Pius IV (1562). The university moved to Palazzo Celesi in 1803; Archiginnasio was restored after World War II. The most famous scholars at the university include Irnerius and Francesco Accursio (Accursio), famous lawyers; Ulisse Aldrovandi, Marcello Malpighi, Luigi Galvani and Giosuè Carducci.

Bologna notables include Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of radiotelegraphy, and Popes Gregory XIII, Gregory XV, Lucius II and Benedict XIV. Bologna is known for its large city schools and universities and others with special collections, such as the conservatory. The Civic Museum, founded in 1712 and housed since 1881 in Palazzo Galvani, has important objects of the past civilization, including collections from the Umbrian (Villanov) civilization and the Etruscan necropolis. The museum has beautiful paintings from the Bolognese school (Carracci, Francesco Albani, Guido Reni, Domenichino, Guercino, Francia, Pellegrino Tibaldi) and many other works, the most famous of which is “St. Cecilia .

Bologna is the most important as a road and railway station through which many roads between central and southern Italy and the north will pass. Until the First World War, the city was mainly based on agriculture based on the surrounding grasslands. Although still an important agricultural market and food processing center, Bologna has developed into an important industrial center; Its main products include agricultural machinery, electric generators, motorcycles, railway equipment, chemicals and footwear. popularity. (2011) years, 371,337.

When visiting Cinque Terre


High season in Cinque Terre is usually from April to October. We were there at the end of April for a weekend and it was really busy, but not unbearable! Although I generally recommend traveling during the season, you will want to visit Cinque Terre during the warmer months so that you can enjoy all that it has to offer, such as beaches, hikes, and tours. ‘streets without cold or dampness.

I think the deal is good for the crowd. I would shoot for the shoulder season, like April, May, September or October, so the crowds aren’t bad, but you still have good weather!

You can also go on a day trip to the Cinque Terre, but honestly, it is better to see these beautiful towns for at least a few days and see them by staying on the steps of your house. I have also heard rumors that Cinque Terre will start offering tourist permits for the summer months. So if you’re looking to go this season, make sure you check that out before you book anything.

Things to do in Bologna

Stop at Piazza Maggiore.

Bologna’s main square is the perfect first stop on any trip to Bologna. Piazza Maggiore is home to Bologna’s largest cathedral (Cathedral of San Petronio), the expansive Neptune Fountain, and some of the best people-watching opportunities in the city.

Have a cappuccino or spritz in one of the shady restaurants and watch the city go by.

Climb the Asinelli Tower for amazing views of Bologna.

Want to see Italy’s leaning towers but don’t plan to visit Pisa? Don’t worry: Bologna is actually home to a tower that’s taller than Pisa!

Towers based on Asinelli and Garisenda stand next to each other, and if you climb up (all 498 steps), Asinelli is available for a visit and offers a spectacular view of Bologna.

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